Life as an introvert.

The 2 a.m. podcast
3 min readOct 24, 2021


If you have ever been told

  • you spend too much time alone,
  • you are very hidden/secretive,
  • you don’t talk a lot/you’re so quiet,
  • you are a good listener,

chances are you are an introvert.

But if you’re an extrovert, and you’re like “ugh! here we go again”… Keanu Reeves is an introvert. So we win.

Imagine this — You’re living alone, in a beautiful tidy apartment that feels like home. You wake up in the morning, make a nice breakfast or even get some from your favorite pastry shop down the road. You have coffee or tea or something cold if you prefer (😉), you go to a quiet park near by, and enjoy your meal while listening to a podcast/audiobook. ALONE.

Note: As much as we introverts love to dwell in the idea of being alone, we need to keep in mind that too much of it might lead to problems. Being comfortable alone can be extremely absorbing and lead to increased anxiety when in a social set up.

But, oh! the peace! It is longed for and even craved for. Like when you are partaking in a social interaction, and you have completely zoned out thinking about your little corner of the world. And yes, it can be considered a selfish act of always satisfying what I want and what I desire. Extroverts are more accepting of people, whether they like them or not. They are the ones who lighten up the mood and make everyone feel loose. While we on the other hand are like screw this event I’m leaving.

Now introverts do enjoy going to social events with people we feel comfortable with, but we won’t do it again the next day. You know, like we need weeks to regenerate before we’re ready for the next event.

One of the main struggles faced as an introvert is the stereotype of being quiet as being anti-social or the odd one out. Our culture has no space for such behavior, and it keeps beating you down as if introversion is some kind of brokenness to be fixed. Being alone is nearly unacceptable, the term “I need my own space” is considered a character of the spoiled, and not talking is a pure disrespect directed at society. *Long Sigh*

A friendly reminder — There is nothing wrong with being an introvert.

Traits of an introvert

  1. Small Talks drain your energy,
  2. You express via writing instead of speaking,
  3. Your personal time is one to never be invaded,
  4. Alone time is the best time,
  5. You are a minimalist,
  6. You have a very small circle of friends,
  7. You seek deeper meaning in the friendships you create, and not just for the sake of using that person for personal benefit.

Things we might need to work on

  1. Be more social, it is important for sanity
  2. Be open about our introversion
  3. Don’t get too comfortable in our comfort zone
  4. Understand that extroverts are not always trying to out us, maybe they’re trying to help

Things people need to understand about us

  1. We are not trying to be rude,
  2. Please excuse our need for being alone,
  4. We don’t always have to be loud and playful, and it is okay to slow the pace and relax
  5. Silences are not AWKWARD

You can catch our latest episode where we discuss our experiences being an introvert on Telegram, Teraki App, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and Google Podcast.

Cheers 🥂

