Moving out for the first time in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The 2 a.m. podcast
4 min readSep 14, 2021
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You know you’ve thought about it multiple times recently. It is one of those ideas that hangs out in the back of your head rent free.

When will I move out? What would my tiny little apartment (for some reason it is always an apartment) look like? (This is where we all navigate to the Pinterest application on our phones to indulge in a never ending list of tiny spaces) Oh the fancy lights, the vibe, the music I can put on to match the hour. We all get drowned in these thoughts.

The idea of having a space that resonates with who we are and who we have become as adults is one to never escape from our busy-with-imagination mind.

But it is not a delusion, moving out does bring those things to the table. It is considered a milestone in one’s life, an event that clearly marks the stepping out of childhood into maturity and designates the beginning of an independent, self-reliant life.

If you have made it this far in the article, good. It means you are serious about the topic. So let’s get serious.

Now, instead of floating around in that tiny room we created for ourselves, let’s talk about the WHY. Why are you in such a committed relationship with moving out?

“Is it really a good idea to move out? Why now?”

Is it to improve yourself and grow as a person? or is it for freedom? or both?

To move closer to your college, your workplace, or another important location you need to visit on a daily basis?

To avoid conflict with your parents?

To move in with your significant other?

The first argument we want you, the reader, to take away is that the answers to WHY really matters. You need to emphasize on the WHY. Because it is a decision that needs to be carefully planned out and well thought of, so that you don’t end up regretting it and moving back to where you came from (Shame). BE RATIONAL ABOUT IT!!!

The second argument is WHEN. Set a date in your head. Don’t say it out loud, don’t ramble about it everywhere. Set a date and work towards it. This will help you be more strategic and make the imagination more realistic.

The last one is SAVE YOUR MONEY. Stop buying unnecessary stuff. For the ladies, yeah I know that’s a cute dress for a special occasion but how often do you wear it? don’t buy it. For the men, if you are over the age of 20 with no beard, your beard won’t grow, stop buying expensive oils. Stop going out to eat everyday. Stop calling ride every time you go out. Just stop!

Get geeky and count your papers to the cents. Be calculated. Set a maximum amount of money you need to spend per month. I won’t tell you about the living situations in Addis you already know what’s up. Start saving NOW!

Pros and Cons


  • Privacy
  • Independence
  • Self growth
  • Self Reliance
  • Self Esteem
  • Learning new experiences (could be cooking)
  • Opportunities that come with a change of environment
  • Meeting new people
  • Being your own person and making your own adventures
  • Develop better financial management skills


  • Home sick/Miss your family
  • Financial Difficulties
  • Housework/ More responsibility
  • Emotional Disadvantages
  • No unconditional support
  • Learning new environment / fitting in
  • Say goodbye to some luxuries
  • What if you get sick in the middle of the night?

How much you might need

If you managed to still be interested after the heads-up, you just might be ready, idk, just saying.

Here is a list of basic things you need to move out for the first time in Addis Ababa excluding your monthly expense.

  1. Find an appropriate home

Finding a decent place in Addis can be a struggle, but the cost usually ranges between 5k–7k per month on average. Please do take into consideration that the prices vary from one sefer to another.

2. Draw up a realistic budget

Research how much you would need prior to saving up. Calculate the amount of money you need per month. Now multiply that by 6. You need at least a 6 months worth of safety guaranteed.

For the sake of this article, we went online to see how much basic items cost. Here is what we found:

Note: Invest in buying a good quality material — it lasts longer.

This last one is if you are balemuya

3. Take all the help you can get

If you have friends or family that can help you, don’t hesitate to ask. MOVING IS EXPENSIVE. Take all the help you can get.

4. Keep it small

Start from the bare minimum. Some room inspirations (on pinterest of course lol)

5. Stay in touch with your family and your friends

Just because you moved out doesn’t mean you gotta be a b****.


In all seriousness though I can only wish you the best in your journey to independence. Be calculated about it, and don’t ever think it is far fetched.

“Home is not where you are born; home is where all your attempts to escape cease.”

― Naguib Mahfouz.

If you wanna hear us ramble about this topic, head over to telegram. We are also on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Link with us.

Our podcast is available on Teraki APP, Telegram, and coming soon on google podcast.

